When Was Gimkit Made: A Complete Guide to Game Rules and How to Play

4 Min Read

Gimkit, a game-based learning platform, has reinvented how teachers and students approach education through interactive and engaging methods. Developed by a high school student in 2017, Gimkit has been at the forefront of combining educational content with the thrilling aspects of gaming to make learning a fun experience. Whether you’re a teacher looking to spice up your lessons or a student eager to enhance your learning process, Gimkit offers an adventure into knowledge unlike any other. This guide will take you through the game rules, how to play, and provide insights into making the most out of Gimkit.

When Was Gimkit Made and Its Evolution

Gimkit was created in 2017 by Josh Feinsilber, a high school student who wanted to make learning more engaging and effective for his peers and himself. Since its inception, Gimkit has evolved significantly, adding new features and games designed to amplify the educational experience. Today, it stands as a testament to how innovative ideas can transform the traditional classroom setting.

Understanding Gimkit: Game Rules

At its core, Gimkit is about solving quiz questions to earn in-game money, which players can then invest in power-ups to boost their score or impact other players’ progress negatively. The dynamic gameplay encourages strategic thinking along with knowledge testing.

  • Each player starts with a base amount of in-game currency.
  • Answering questions correctly earns more money; wrong answers may result in a loss.
  • Players can purchase power-ups and bonuses with their earnings to enhance their game.
  • The goal is to have the most money by the end of the game.

How to Play Gimkit

Starting with Gimkit is straightforward. Here’s a step-by-step guide to kick off your Gimkit journey:

  1. Sign up for a Gimkit account on their official website.
  2. Create a new game kit by choosing from the available templates or by building your own set of questions.
  3. Customize the game settings according to your preference (Time limit, maximum earnings, power-ups availability).
  4. Share the game code with participants – they join via Gimkit’s website.
  5. Start the game and monitor progress on the live leaderboard.

Maximizing Your Gimkit Experience

To truly benefit from Gimkit, consider the following tips:

  • Strategize Your Investments: Wisely choose which power-ups to spend on as they can significantly affect your chances of winning.
  • Focus on Learning: While winning is rewarding, the primary aim is learning. Focus on understanding question material thoroughly.
  • Encourage Teamwork: In team modes, collaborate effectively to maximize collective earnings.
  • Explore Various Modes: Gimkit offers multiple game modes. Experiment with them to keep the experience fresh and engaging.


Gimkit emerged in 2017 as a revolutionary tool to make education both fun and impactful. By blending the competitive nature of gaming with educational content, it provides a unique platform for learning and teaching. As we’ve explored the rules and how to play, it’s clear that success in Gimkit not only comes from quick thinking and knowledge but from strategic gameplay as well. Embrace the challenge, enjoy the game, and watch as learning becomes more exciting than ever before.

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